
37 Days and Counting.....Retirement from the Work A Day Life

Friends, I can hardly wait for retirement as much as I don't like that word.  Anyone that knows me, even a little bit, knows that I will not be retired.   Siimply t I am graduating from a "Work a Day" life and moving into what I love to do.   Teach.  Teach all the creative classes I want, at my own pace and my own design. 

But first, there is travel.  Travel to see my sons, travel to see my grandsons, travel for creative purposes, travel for a change of pace, you name it I am traveling to it.   This summer I won't be home much. 

How nice it will be to enjoy my little dogs with out all three of us being pushed and rushed to do what we "must" do, instead of what we want to do.   How nice it will be to finally design my days the way I want to, to not have to take orders from bosses,  or to take directives from others, to not hear the constant Blah, Blah, Blah of daily work place chatter.    How nice it will be to sit on the back patio and enjoy peace, read a book, watch the humming birds do their airel dance.  How nice it will be to see my Mom at a slower pace, enjoy our visits, knitting together, going for a ride in the car without  feeling like I have to get on that freeway before everyone else gets there first.   Futal I know, but that is how I feel, doesn't everyone else?

My sewing room is calling my name, my home is calling my name.  The projects I have to yet complete and many new projects to begin. 

The future of my blog looks bright, I look forward to sharing my adventures with my readers, pass along  creative interests, tips and tricks.  

Friends it is going to be a blast.  Please check in now and then.  Leave a comment or two.  Share with me the creative life. Your creative life.


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